Sen. Omar Fateh & CM Jamal OSMAN Host Listening Session at the Hiawatha Towers.

July 15-16, 2023 — Minneapolis — Over the weekend, Jamal had the honor of visiting the Hiawatha Towers in the Phillips Neighborhood, alongside the amazing Senator Omar Fateh (62, DFL). Their time spent at all three towers was an incredible experience, and both enjoyed engaging with the respected elders that call the Hiawatha Towers home.
Jamal shared the following when we spoke to him about their visit:
“Throughout our visit, we had the chance to listen closely to the residents, gaining valuable insights into their lives and the challenges they face daily. We toured the Hiawatha Towers, witnessing firsthand the conditions that require our attention and support - including the new fire suppression system.
Since 2020, MPHA has invested more than $16 million of its own capital toward fire suppression installations, with Minnesota Housing providing an additional $2.4 million at the state level. The installation for all 42 buildings is expected to be completed by 2025, and the work at Hiawatha Towers is anticipated to be finished by September of this year.
In talking with residents and renters, it became abundantly clear that the path to a brighter future for all begins with investing in Housing - especially our public housing. We need to ensure that our fellow citizens have access to safe, affordable, and dignified homes.
Senator Omar Fateh and I share an unwavering commitment to affordable, public housing - creating inclusive neighborhoods and fostering upward mobility for every American.
We passionately discussed the importance of reviving the public housing tax levy in the City of Minneapolis, allocating $12 million to address pressing repair needs. Such an investment is not just about buildings; it demonstrates our city's dedication to compassion, fairness, and opportunity.
As a City, we must stand together to ensure that affordable housing is not merely a dream, but a reality for our elders - and all who call our City home.
The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority urgently needs funding to address the deteriorating conditions in its public housing units - and in this election, I will wholeheartedly support the proposed levy because it presents a clear dedicated funding stream to address much-needed repairs in our public housing.
Our gathering on Sunday, July 16th, for the Listening Session outside the front of the Hiawatha Towers, building was also great. I was moved by the stories shared and the hope that emanated from this gathering. Through collective action and dedication, we can uplift neighborhoods, create opportunities, and ensure that every individual thrives, irrespective of their background.
On behalf of Sen. Fateh and myself, I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the residents of Hiawatha Towers for welcoming us with open arms and sharing their experiences so candidly.
Together, we will forge a path towards a future where every American can find solace in a safe and secure home.
Let us remain firm in our commitment to stand up for the marginalized, champion equitable housing opportunities, and create a city where compassion and justice prevail.
The journey ahead will require collective efforts and shared values, but I have no doubt that, united, we can create a better Minneapolis.”
DFL, Ward 6
*For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Osman Volunteer Committee
Communications Lead