Jamal Thrives on Community Engagement: Receives CM Jason Chavez & CM Lisa Goodman Endorsements!

Jamal Thrives on Community Engagement: "Meet & Greet" Events Highlight the Power of Listening, And HE Receives Endorsements From CM Jason Chavez & CM Lisa Goodman!
October 7, 2023 — Minneapolis, MN — Jamal's campaign for Ward 6 surged forward this past week with two extraordinary "Meet & Greet" events.
These amazing gatherings — the first held at the Midtown Global Market on Wednesday and the second at Grant Park on Thursday, showcased Jamal's dedication to the community by not only listening to neighbors — but also gaining support from fellow Council Members, Jason Chavez (W9, DFL) and Lisa Goodman (W7, DFL).
Community Connection: The Heart of Jamal's Candidacy
Jamal's presence at these events isn't just about the election -- it's a reflection of his deep belief in the power of community engagement.
For him, these "Meet & Greet" events are more than campaign stops – they are a lifeline connecting him with his constituents, and why he's been able to voice and advocate for the needs of Ward 6 residents.
"Being in the community, listening, sitting down with neighbors and supporters, that's what really keeps me going," Jamal stated. "The essence of my City Council service is rooted in being a voice and advocate for the people of Ward 6. To truly understand their needs, I need to be a part of their everyday lives."
Midtown Global Event: Jason Chavez Joins Omar Fateh - and Endorses Jamal
The Midtown Global event on Wednesday drew a diverse crowd of constituents eager to meet Jamal and discuss the pressing challenges in their community.
Senator Omar Fateh (62, DFL), serving as an event MC, added an additional layer of enthusiasm, stating:
"I am proud to be out here in support of Jamal, who exemplifies the dedication we need in those who seek to serve on our City Council. That’s why I've endorsed him for re-election. His ability to build unity across ward boundaries has proven crucial and Jamal's commitment to addressing our community's pressing issues is truly commendable."
The highlight of the evening was Council Member Jason Chavez from Ward 9 (DFL) — who formally endorsed Jamal — emphasizing the importance of unity among neighboring wards.
Jason stated, "I believe in Jamal's commitment to our community. His dedication to moving past the status quo to address homelessness through safe sleeping sites and his support for expanding the Avivo Village program to South Minneapolis demonstrates his understanding of the issues we face in our Wards. He’s listening — and always responsive to his neighbors concerns, and I believe he deserves re-election."
Jamal expressed his gratitude, saying:
"It's an honor to have the support of Council Member Chavez. We know that there's a lot of work to do —but working together, and really understanding where each other is coming from, is how we can build the unity we need on the City Council to make the changes we must to ensure Minneapolis becomes a better place for everyone."
Grant Park Gathering: Lisa Goodman Introduces - and Endorses - Jamal to New Neighbors
The following evening, Grant Park was abuzz with excitement as Council Member Lisa Goodman of Ward 7 (DFL) joined Jamal at another "Meet & Greet", this time in Elliot Park -- taking time to personally introduce Jamal to the neighbors and lending her endorsement to his re-election campaign.
Lisa Goodman shared her thoughts, stating:
"Jamal's unique perspective and unwavering commitment to our communities aligns with my belief that being responsive to our neighbors' concerns is one of our most fundamental responsibilities as Council Members.
While Jamal and I may not agree on every issue, our shared commitment remains clear: to serve our neighbors and neighborhoods as their dedicated voices and advocates — ensuring that no matter our differences, we get things done to make our city better for everyone."
Jamal echoed these sentiments, remarking,
"Having CM Goodman by my side as a mentor has been an inspiration. I'm really going to miss Lisa’s wisdom and presence on the Council when she steps down. She's set the standard for responsive constituent services and I've been fortunate to learn so much from her — and to have earned her trust on many issues we’ve faced on the City Council.
Together, we are proof that folks with differing views can work together - and become true friends - to build a stronger City, one that prioritizes fairness and opportunity for all."
Critical Conversations and the Issues Challenging the Ward
At the heart of both "Meet & Greet" events was an ‘open forum’ for supporters and constituents to discuss the key challenges Ward 6 faces.
The conversations ranged from the urgent need for safe sleeping sites to address homelessness, and the expansion of the Avivo Village program into South Minneapolis — to the push for rent stabilization and fair wages for Rideshare workers and how neighbors can better connect through their neighborhood associations.
These events underscored the shared determination of Ward 6 residents to create a brighter future for their community.
Hearing from Ward residents about these pressing issues, Jamal's campaign believes he represents the hope and unity needed on the City Council to address these challenges head-on for Ward 6.
Jamal is listening the residents from every part of the ward - and he will keep fighting for Ward 6 neighborhoods!
Thank You CM Chavez and CM Goodman for Endorsing Jamal
As this re-election campaign continues to gain momentum coming into the final weeks, Jamal -- alongside Council Members Chavez and Goodman -- remain committed to bringing positive change to every part of Minneapolis.
With these endorsements and the support of engaged constituents, there is a real sense of optimism that the Ward's future holds brighter days ahead!
Thank you to all the neighbors who joined us at our “Meet & Greets”! Jamal could not — and would not — do this without your tremendous support! Let's re-elect Jamal Osman - the Labor-endorsed, Ward 6 Democrat who is Fighting for Renters, Workers and Neighborhoods!
~Team Jamal
For questions about the campaign - or about Early Voting or Registering to vote – or if you need transportation to the Early Voting polling location or would like to host a “Meet & Greet” for Jamal, please contact the Team Jamal campaign at info@jamalosman.org or call (612) 735-2448.
Please Rank #1 CM Jamal Osman for City Council - and Let's Re-elect a Ward 6 Democrat Fighting for Renters, Workers and Neighborhoods!
Resources & Background
For more information on this article, please visit:
City of Minneapolis | Information: About Ward 6
*For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Osman Volunteer Committee
Communications Lead